Content is key to a successful digital marketing strategy. Whilst your website may provide information about your company and the products and services you offer, websites alone have a limited ability to convey enough information, authority and brand personality to stand out from the crowd and draw in the numbers you would like. This is where your blog comes in; with great written content, you can take your website and your business to the next level. Here’s how…

Increase your visibility

A blog is a key element of an effective SEO strategy, helping to drive organic traffic to your website. Creating high-quality content that is well-written and incorporates keywords, videos and images helps to ensure your company is visible in search engine results. This will boost traffic to your site which can then be converted to sales. Sharing interesting and useful blogs will boost your visibility on social media platforms as people will naturally share content that is useful, interesting or entertaining.

Keep your customers updated

Your blog is the perfect platform to keep your customers updated about your business, your products and services and any special offers you may be running. Whilst you can, of course, share this information on your website or social media platforms, a blog provides a place to set a different tone and go more in-depth. You can share detailed information about your products and services, post timely content and comment on relevant industry trends and topics in a way that truly conveys the personality of your brand.

Build your email database

Although email marketing is an effective tool that should be part of any marketing strategy, it’s not always easy to get people to sign up. Your blog can help you capture email addresses and ensure your business is kept in the minds and inboxes of prospective customers. If you are creating relevant, informative and engaging blog posts, people will be more willing to sign up for emails containing newsletters and links to your latest posts so they don’t miss out.

Sell products & services

You can use your blog to, directly and indirectly, sell your products and services. Whilst it’s never a good idea to use your blog solely for self-promotion, it doesn’t hurt to slip the odd post in here and there that informs customers about a particular product or service, particularly if you are launching something new or have a special offer running. You can also be more discreet by writing posts that indirectly promote the types of products or services you offer. For example, you may write an article that informs people how to solve a problem, with one of the suggestions being a product or service you sell. You can also add links in the text to relevant pages on your website. Another way of using your blog to promote your company is by writing case studies of big projects you have worked on, including pictures and quotes from happy customers.

Present yourself as an expert in your field

One of the main reasons people read blogs is to discover new information and learn how to solve issues they may be facing. This gives you the opportunity to create plenty of useful content that will be read by people for years to come. Writing about key industry topics and trends, as well as ‘how-to’ articles, will help you to get a reputation as an expert in your field. This will keep your brand in people’s minds and help to build trusting relationships as people will view you as a credible company.

Improve customer service

Your blog can add an additional layer to the service you provide to customers. In the previous point, we mentioned how you can use your blog to create articles that help people learn how to solve problems relating to the industry you operate in. In addition to this, you can also write blog posts that explain in detail how to use some of the products you sell or perhaps even interesting ways your products can be used that they may not have thought of. You can provide top tips and FAQs. By adding a comments section to your blog, you are providing a space where your customers can leave comments or questions as well as creating your own community. This also has the added benefit of allowing you to gain useful feedback. All of this improves the service you offer to customers and gives your reputation a boost.


With so many benefits to having a blog, it’s hard to see why some companies haven’t got in on this yet. Setting up a blog is quick and easy, you can create the content in-house or, if you don’t have time, it can be outsourced easily and affordably. Find out more about content writing services here. Remember that great content brings great business returns!